
"I believe this power of seeing the world as fresh and strange lies hidden in every human being. In most of us it is dormant. Yet it is there, even if it is no more than a vague desire, an unsatisfied appetite that cannot discover its own nourishment…. Vicariously, through another person’s eyes, men and women can see the world anew. It is shown to them as something interesting and exciting. There is given to them again a sense of wonder.
This should be the photographer’s aim, for this is the purpose that pictures fulfill in the world as it is to-day. To meet a need that people cannot or will not meet for themselves. We are most of us too busy, too worried, too intent on proving ourselves right, too obsessed with ideas, to stand and stare."


"They love me like I was their brother
They protect me, listen to me.
They dug me my very own garden
Gave me sunshine, made me happy"


"Get them to love you,
While they may depending
On your words and wealth,
The only one who's really
Judging you is yourself.
Nobody else"


"1. May I be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to me. May no difficulties come to me. May no problems come to me. May I always meet with success.
May I also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life.
2. May my parents be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination to meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life.
3. May my teachers be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 
4. May my relatives be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 
5. May my friends be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 
6. May all indifferent persons be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 
7. May my enemies be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 
8. May all living beings be well, happy and peaceful. May no harm come to them. May no difficulties come to them. May no problems come to them. May they always meet with success. 


"We all are born with a certain package. We are who we are: where we were born, who we were born as, how we were raised. We're kind of stuck inside that person, and the purpose of civilization and growth is to be able to reach out and empathize a little bit with other people. And for me, the movies are like a machine that generates empathy. It lets you understand a little bit more about different hopes, aspirations, dreams and fears. It helps us to identify with the people who are sharing this journey with us."


"Chaos is order yet undeciphered."


"Cause I decided long ago
But that's the way it seems to go, 
When trying so hard to get to something real, it feels"


"Were we given masks instead of faces? Were we given hysteria instead of feelings? Were we given shame and guilt instead of love and forgiveness?"


"I don't know what's wrong with me. I do all these dumb things. I think in these distorted ways. Now I'm burnin' up. I'm scared I'm gonna lose all the wisdom I ever learned."


"Unbroken word sketches
of the subconscious pictures 
of sections of the 
memory life of an
imbecile genius resting
in the madhouse of his 
mind—the word
flow must not be disturbed,
or picture forgotten for 
words’ sakes, nor the 
pictures stretched beyond 
their bookmovie strength
except parenthetically."


"We are paper thin. Happen to exist between the percentages temporarily. And this is the best and the worst part, the time factor. And there's nothing you can do about it. You can sit on top of a mountain and meditate for decades and nothing will change. You can change yourself to be acceptable, but maybe this is wrong. perhaps we think too much. Feel more, think less."


"But with you my dear
I'm safe and we're a million miles away

We're lying on the moon

It's a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure I'm okay and
We're a million miles away"


"They say that a director always makes the same film. I try to make, as François Truffaut said, the next film in opposition to the one that came before. I'm not sure if I succeed. To put it another way, I agree with the auteur theory, but I don't consider myself an auteur. I'm more of an artisan, a craftsman."
"Like you, I too have struggled, with all my might, not to forget. Like you, I forgot. Like you, I longed for a memory beyond consolation, a memory of shadows and stone. For my part I struggled every day with all my might, against the horror of no longer understanding the reason to remember. Like you, I forgot. Why deny the obvious necessity of remembering?"


"Happy was she who could believe without seeing, who was at one with the duration and continuity of life."


"What is hell? Hell is oneself. 
Hell is alone, the other figures in it 
Merely projections. There is nothing to escape from 
And nothing to escape to. One is always alone."
"Chasing my damage
I was chased, thrilled and altered
And it raised me
Chasing my damage
Because I was chased, thrilled and altered
And it raised me"


"There are still many more days of failure ahead, whole seasons of failure, things will go terribly wrong, you will have huge disappointments, but you have to prepare for that, you have to expect it and be resolute and follow your own path."