
"Pero podría ser, también, ya que nada se está quieto en el mundo en que vivimos, que ese fenómeno, la civilización del espectáculo, perezca sin pena ni gloria, por obra de su propia inanidad y nadería, y que otro lo reemplace, acaso mejor, acaso peor, en la sociedad del porvenir. Confieso que tengo poca curiosidad por el futuro, en el que, tal como van las cosas, tiendo a descreer."


"(...) Por isso, não faz mal que você não venha, esperarei quanto tempo for preciso."


"This friend of mine had a kid, and it was a home birth, so he was there helping out and everything. And he said at that profound moment of birth, he was watching this child, experiencing life for the first time, I mean, trying to take its first breath... all he could think about was that he was looking at something that was gonna die someday. He just couldn't get it out of his head. And I think that's so true, I mean, all - everything is so finite. But don't you think that that's what, makes our time, at specific moments, so important? "


"(...) I feel like this is, uh, some dream world we're in, you know.
(...) Yeah, it's so weird. It's like our time together is just ours. It's our own creation. It must be like I'm in your dream, and you in mine, or something."


"Ah, my friends from the prison, they ask unto me,
'How good, how good does it feel to be free?'
And I answer them most mysteriously,
'Are birds free from the chains of the skyway?"


"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."


"our life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you."
como respirar ácido em pulmões chumbados.
de um amargo instinto que assola.

ninguém projeta uma vida assim, ninguém projeta incompreensão sucessiva e sensibilidade e sexualidade sufocadas.

preferem a projeção da confiança e da estabilidade,
e serei sucessivamente indiferente a esta projeção,
por ser sucessivamente fiel ao que há tempos me defini ser.


"A good photograph will prove to the viewer how little our eyes permit us to see. Most people, really, don’t see—see only what they have always seen and what they expect to see—where a photographer, if he’s good, will see everything. And better if he sees things he doesn’t expect to see."
"Well, it’s sort of a vicarious experience when you photograph. Because you’re always on the outside. They’re having a good time there, maybe a family, or a couple families, having a picnic, eating this fried chicken and potato salad and all that junk. And you’re on the outside, you know, trying to sneak a picture. You walk around them and around them and look and look and see if for a moment something might happen, and they don’t invite you to sit down and have fried chicken. You’re always on the outside. And then you go somewhere else, but again you’re on the outside. And if you have somebody with you it’s no good, they detract you from what you’re doing. So you got to be alone and work alone. And it’s a lonely—a very lonely occupation, if you want to call it that."
"Há uma certa concordância de que a modernidade velha funcionou em oposição à sociedade, de modos descritos como negativo, crítico, contestador, subversivo, oposicionista etc. Por outro lado, os clássicos da modernidade anterior são agora parte do chamado cânon e são ensinados em escolas e universidades: o que, por sua vez, os esvazia de todo seu velho potencial subversivo.

Pode-se dizer algo no gênero sobre a pós-modernidade e a sua situação social? Nosso tempo é o do desaparecimento do sentido da história - o sistema social contemporâneo, pouco a pouco, perde sua capacidade de preservar o próprio passado e começa a viver num presente perpétuo, numa perpétua mudança que apaga as tradições que as formações sociais anteriores, de uma maneira ou de outra, tiveram de preservar.

Vimos que existe um modo pelo qual a pós-modernidade repercute e reproduz a lógica da sociedade de consumo. O importante é saber se existe uma forma de resistência a essa lógica. Tal questão, todavia, permanece em aberto."


not dead yet.


"And all these questions I ask myself. It is not in a spirit of curiosity. I cannot be silent. About myself I need know nothing. Here all is clear. No, all is not clear. But the discourse must go on. So one invents obscurities. Rhetoric."


vivendo e imerso no subterrâneo.

(cada vez mais improvável a volta para a superfície)
fotografia, e pouco além.
"Tenho vontade de vomitar, e de me vomitar a mim...
Tenho uma náusea que, se pudesse comer o universo para o despejar na pia, comia-o.
Com esforço, mas era para bom fim.
Ao menos era para um fim.
E assim como sou não tenho nem fim nem vida..."


"fig. Tudo que serve de ligação ou comunicação."
"And, another thing, I never go out with any intentions of photographing any particular thing. I let anything that comes within my sight or in my path that excites me to photograph, I’ll photograph, I don’t care what it is. But I never go out there and say, 'Well, I’m going to look for certain type of pictures today'—maybe, you know, 'It'll be great art, or I can sell them,' or something like that. Or with the intention of going out and trying to take pictures that might have a market. Never. I just go out and photograph and if something I see comes—that I can reach and I’m interested in—I will photograph. I don’t believe in intellectualizing and working in any particular method. Just photograph, period."
"I pause to record that I feel in extraordinary form. Delirium perhaps."


99% da vida sem história, sem passado.
resta apenas aquele 1% já quase completamente apagado da memória.

os outros têm, quase todos.
eu não.


ego vira instinto de sobrevivência.
"Saying is inventing. Wrong, very rightly wrong. You invent nothing, you think you are inventing, you think you are escaping, and all you do is stammer out your lesson, the remnants of a pensum one day got by heart and long forgotten, life without tears, as it is wept."


"Dentro de poucos instantes não vai acontecer nada, tomem cuidado."
"The long blue days, for his head, for his side, and the little paths for his feet, and all the brightness to touch and gather. Through the grass the little mosspaths, bony with old roots, and the trees sticking up, and the flowers sticking up, and the fruit hanging down, and the white exhausted butterflies, and the birds never the same darting all day long into hiding. And all the sounds, meaning nothing. Then at night rest in the quiet house, there are no roads, no streets any more, you lie down by a window opening on refuge, the little sounds come that demand nothing, ordain nothing, explain nothing, propound nothing, and the short necessary night is soon ended, and the sky blue again all over the secret places where nobody ever comes, the secret places never the same, but always simple and indifferent, always mere places, sites of a stirring beyond coming and going, of a being so light and free that it is as the being of nothing."


"What was astonishing to him was how people seemed to run out of their own being, run out of whatever the stuff was that made them who they were and, drained of themselves, turn into the sort of people they would have once have felt sorry for. It was as though while their lives were rich and full they were secretly sick of themselves and couldn't wait to dispose of their sanity and their health and all sense of proportion so as to get down to that other self, the true self, who was a wholly deluded fuckup. It was as though being in tune with life was an accident that might sometimes befall the fortunate young but was otherwise something for which human beings lacked any real affinity. How odd. And how odd it made him seem to be numbered among the countless unembattled normal ones might, in fact, be the abnormality, a stranger from real life because of his being so sturdily rooted.”


"Os jovens são mais aptos para inventar do que para julgar, mais aptos para a execução do que para o assessoramento, e mais aptos para novos projetos do que para atividades já estabelecidas; porque a experiência da idade em coisas que estejam ao alcance dessa idade os dirige; mas em coisas novas, os maltrata. (...) Os jovens, na conduta e na administração dos atos, abraçam mais do que podem segurar, agitam mais do que podem acalmar; voam para o fim sem consideração para com os meios e os graus; perseguem absurdamente alguns princípios com que toparam por acaso; não se importam em '(isto é, em como)' inovar, o que provoca transtornos desconhecidos. (...) Os homens maduros fazem objeções demais, demoram-se demais em consultas, arriscam-se muito pouco, arrependem-se cedo demais e raramente levam o empreendimento até o fim, mas se contentam com uma mediocridade de sucesso. Não há dúvida de que é bom forçar o emprego de ambos (...), porque as virtudes de qualquer um deles poderão corrigir os defeitos dos dois."
"menos elaborada, acabada e consciente de si mesma."

"faceless" beirava o ficcional, uma série não planejada, puramente orgânica.
a consciência de si mesmo que se torna o maior dos abismos.

(não mais ficcional, puramente realista e cotidiana)


all the real people were born dead.
they have the illusion that they coexist.
"Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift, through all the earth and perhaps in the end through a cliff into the sea, something of me. A ton of worms in an acre, that is a wonderful thought, a ton of worms, I believe it."


"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work."


"Lóri: uma das coisas que aprendi é que se deve viver apesar de. Apesar de, se deve comer. Apesar de, se deve amar. Apesar de, se deve morrer. Inclusive muitas vezes é o próprio apesar de que nos empurra para a frente.
Foi o apesar de que me deu uma angústia que insatisfeita foi a criadora de minha própria vida."


"Desconfiai do mais trivial, na aparência singelo. E examinai, sobretudo, o que parece habitual. Suplicamos expressamente: não aceiteis o que é de hábito como coisa natural, pois em tempo de desordem sangrenta, de confusão organizada, de arbitrariedade consciente, de humanidade desumanizada, nada deve parecer natural nada deve parecer impossível de mudar."


all you need it's a girl and a camera.


"- Eu penso, interrompeu o homem e sua voz estava lenta e abafada porque ele estava sofrendo de vida e de amor, eu penso o seguinte:"